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The PSS KF Range of High-Speed Bowl Cutters are designed for small, medium and and large food processing factories, with capacities ranging from 50 to 330 litres.  Designed for fine cutting, mixing and emulsifying of processed material of any kind,  the result from the PSS K range of bowl cutters is a high quality structurally homogeneous mixture for fine-grained and coarse products, such as sausages and pet food as well many vegan and vegetarian products.


The innovative PSS high-quality blade system provides reduced noise and low mechanical wear.   In addition, the PSS KF range are equipped with a semi-automatic unloading device enabling easy and smooth unloading.

PSS KF High-Speed Bowl Cutters

    • Fine cutting, mixing and emulsifying of any type of processed material
    • Preparing of structurally homogenous mixture for making of fine-grained and coarse products
    • Perfect quality of final product
    • Easy and fast processing
    • Required quality of final product achieved
    • Lower machine noise and minimal mechanical wear
    • Simple and smooth unloading by perfect unloading device
    • All control elements are placed in field of vision with easy access
    • Electronic and moving parts are protected by protective covers
    • Polished surfaces
    • Uncomplicated and fast sanitation
    • Superior hygienic design characterized by limited bacteria growth
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