Versatile table-top models for the skinning and derinding of meat and poultry, designed for small to medium sized meat processors, factories, butcheries, supermarkets, catering, etc. The machine is equipped with handles to facilitate the handling and with a safe 24-volt foot switch.
The 362-series have been part of our product range for over 30 years. This completely reshaped table-top model keeps pace with the times and still uses the same well-tried concept to skin
a wide spectrum of meat products. A compact and solid stainless steel construction for efficient, reliable skinning with the highest yield.
Cretel 362 Table Top Meat Skinner / Derinder
Model 362SLM:
For the derinding of all kinds of Pork.
Model 362SKM:
With defatting roller for membrane skinning of Pork, Beef, Veal, Mutton, Game and Poultry.
Model 362FLP:
For the skinning of poultry.